Make your backyard the center court—where your family plays, bonds, is active together and creates life-long memories. Neighborhood kids drop by for a friendly afternoon competition. And your young athletes take their games to the next level. When you install a Sport Court ® backyard court, you’ll know your kids will be safe, close to home, active and happy.
Your local, certified CourtBuilder™ will work with you to create a custom court and color design that fits your experience: contemporary, nature-inspired, home-matching, official team or school colors, or traditional. From inspiration to installation, they’ll work with you every step of the way. Choose the sport. We’ll build the court. Our home court designs include:
Give your kids a safe, warm place to play through the winter that adds value to your house. From tricycle races to games of HORSE, your custom designed home gym will deliver hours of fun for your family.
Sport Court of Indiana indoor courts and home gyms are constructed to give with the action, creating realistic play while easing the tension on joints and hips.
We offer a wide range of products that provide a safe durable surface that will work for everything from a kid's playroom to a complete weight room with the heaviest free weights.